Wednesday, 8 February 2012



Mainly white people
Social economically graded C1/D
Mostly females
Free spirits & Fun seekers
16 – 25 females

BBC3 is mainly viewed by a young audience.
BBC3 Starts at 7pm as it is a new show, it should be an opening show
Every Wednesday for 8 weeks
1 Hour programme
As the institution is viewed by a young audience the programme will include 5 young people aged 16 – 20
 Also young presenters & interviewers who are techno freaks

Media Form
Expository & Reflexive
Why are they scared?
What caused the phobia
Maybe look at the biological side of the phobias
Film the 5 people with technology ( cameras, laptops, tv's etc)

Codes & Conventions
Expect people who have a phobia of modern technology and the programme finds out exactly what it is they are scared of, but eventually try to find a way to overcome the fear.
Technology is seen as the future, does this mean no future for people with technophobia?
Opinion projecting from this programme: RIDICULOUS to be scared of technology as it is so dominant in everybody’s life today.
Include scientific explanation

Web blog

Just seen the new programme shown on BBC3 called ‘Technophobes’. Seriously? I mean how you could be scared of laptops, phones, even television. Did you see the face on the 19 year old girl Natasha when she heard about the digital switchover, seriously that was not normal especially for someone who is around my generation.  You could tell that everyone in the programme genuinely had a strong fear of technology. But besides the bizarreness of this programme is was really entertaining also informative , I learnt a lot about how people are born with or gradually create these  weird phobias with the biological side given after each story from each person. Great show, weird subject.

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